Notice Board

Unavoidable Fees Increase

Tēnā koe,


It is with regret that we are increasing the fees we charge you, our patients.


We have tried to hold off from increasing our fees as we know households are struggling with the increased cost of living. We understand, this increase will only make healthcare more unaffordable and more inequitable.


However, with our costs having risen more than the recent government funding increase, we have been left with no other choice.


We and our primary health organization (PHO) have warned the government on multiple occasions that if they didn’t increase funding levels, we would have to increase fees to help cover our costs or we would risk closure of the practice or significant loss in staff. Frustratingly, these warnings have been disregarded.


Please know this is the last resort, and is not a decision we have taken lightly, as we truly understand the impact this will have on whānau.


We strongly encourage you to write to the Minister of Health, Dr Shane Reti, along with your local MP expressing your dismay at the increase in fees and outlining the impact the increase will have on you and your whānau. Scan the QR code using your phone’s camera or a QR code reader app. Next, click the yellow button to get into your email app and then press send.


Ngā mihi nui,

Te Puna Hauora o Te Raki Paewhenua


These fees will take effect on 1st October 2024.

First consultation 18-64 with CSC (all consultations are 30 minutes duration) $25 $65 $150
First consultation 18-64 without CSC (double appointment) $45 $65 $150
0-13 yrs GP Consultation FREE $30 $150
14-17 yrs GP Consultation $13 $30 $150
18-64 yrs with CSC (after first consultation) $19.50 $65 $150
18-64 yrs without CSC (after first consultation) $22.50 $65 $150
65-74 yrs $5 $65 $150
75 yrs and above FREE $65 $150